Contents [+]1 Rokadong 1.1 Pronunciation 1.2 Particle 1.3 Usage notes 1.3.1 Related terms Rokadong[edit] Pronunciation[edit] (Pahang) IPA: [ˌgʊn] (nik) Particle[edit] (gun) locative particle iAiB Gun kare ibi, kayari tak kogur décan.In this house, we don't eat fish. instrumental particle sentence in Rokadong heretranslation here Usage notes[edit] Related terms[edit] Case particles of Rokadong (to) (ká) (pá) (gun) (laki) (gu) (la) Categories: Rokadong lemmasRokadong particlesRokadong terms with usage examplesRokadong case particlesCategory:DictionaryRokadong wordsRokadong words in need of example textDictionary Dictionary > Category:Dictionary Drawn to AfterLife Languages > Nentan languages > Rokadong > Rokadong words Maintenance > Rokadong words in need of example text Rokadong case particles